Management Banner


在BHSU获得工商管理专业学位将教你如何有效地管理公司的员工和PG电子app下载. 你将获得解决问题和领导能力,同时发展人际关系的经验.

管理学位允许从事包括人力PG电子app下载在内的广泛职业, operations, sales, and marketing. 商科是最灵活的学习领域之一.


PG电子app下载的商业课程是由AACSB认证的, 全球仅有5%的商学院获得了这一殊荣. Through innovative instruction, mentoring, research, internships, and service, BHSU培养商业毕业生成为当地和地区的领导者,并在充满活力的全球环境中竞争.


  • 小班制使教师能够满足学生不同的学习风格, 确保每个学生理解材料和概念.
  • 本地和区域社区参与将商学院与社区雇主联系起来.
  • 学生通过完成广泛的商业课程获得全面的商业学位.
  • 课程采用包括传统讲座在内的多种教学方法, online and hybrid courses, study aboard opportunities, 以及实习和服务学习项目.
Program Highlights

Program Highlights


» Each year, 联合国协调举办世界旅游日庆祝活动,突出旅游业的重要方面. BHSU将学生和行业领袖聚集在一起,庆祝旅游业对我们社区的影响.


» The annual Accounting Fair, 适用于会计及专业会计专业的学生, is held every fall, 欢迎当地和地区雇主来斯皮尔菲什和拉皮德城校区. 学生们通过网络和面试雇主来获得实习和全职职位.


» Each spring semester, BHSU holds its annual career fair, 向所有专业开放,欢迎60多家雇主来校园与寻求兼职的学生见面, full-time, and internship positions.


»高级所得税会计学生参加志愿者所得税援助(VITA), 获得为低收入个人准备纳税申报表的实践经验.


Business Core - 51 semester hours

  • 3 ACCT 210 - Principles of Accounting I
  • 3 ACCT 211 -会计原理2
  • 3 BADM 220 - Business Statistics
  • 3 BADM 310 - Business Finance
  • 3 BADM 321 - Business Statistics II
  • 3 BADM 344 - Managerial Communications
  • 3 BADM 350 -商业法律环境
  • 3 BADM 369 - Organizational Behavior & Theory 
  • 3 BADM 370 - Marketing
  • 生产/运作管理
  • 3 BADM 482 -业务政策和战略
  • 3经济学-微观经济学原理
  • 3经济学202 -宏观经济学原理
  • MIS 205 -高级计算机应用
  • MIS 325 -管理信息系统
  • 3选自以下任何前缀:ACCT, BADM, ECON, HRM, THM

管理专业- 18个学时

  • 3 ACCT 460 - Managerial Accounting
  • 3 BADM 351 - Business Law
  • 3 BADM 471 - Marketing Management
  • 3 HRM 460 - Human Resource Management
  • Take two from the following:
  • 3 BADM 334 - Small Business Management
  • 3 BADM 372 - Advertising
  • 3 BADM 473 - Retail Management
  • 3 BADM 475 - Consumer Behavior
  • 3 ECON 304 - Managerial Economics
  • 3 HRM 465 - Compensation Management
  • 3 THM 410 - Tourism Management

Gen Ed Requirements - 30 semester hours

    • 数学-普通教育-数学- 3个学时
    • CMST -普通教育-演讲- 3个学时
    • 普通教育-社会科学- 6个学时
    • Gen Ed - Art & Humanities - 6 semester hours
    • Gen Ed - Natural Science & Lab - 6-8 semester hours
    • ENGL 101 - Composition I
    • ENGL 201 - Composition II


本专业不要求辅修,但选修课程必须达到120学时, 其中36小时必须是300-400级的课程.

*Current students, please refer to the DegreeWorks Dashboard 在MyBHSU确认你的专业要求.

Associate in Business Administration

Required Core - 30 semester hours

  • 3 ACCT 210 - Principles of Accounting I
  • 3 ACCT 211 -会计原理2
  • 3 BADM 220 - Business Statistics
  • 3 BADM 344 - Managerial Communications
  • 3 BADM 350 -商业法律环境
  • 组织行为学与理论
  • 3 BADM 370 - Marketing
  • 3经济学-微观经济学原理
  • 3经济学202 -宏观经济学原理
  • MIS 205 -高级计算机应用

Take two of the following courses:

  • 会计361 -会计计算机应用
  • 3 BADM 101 - Survey of Business
  • 3 BADM 334 - Small Business Management
  • 3 BADM 336 - Entrepreneurship I
  • 3 BADM 372 - Advertising
  • 3 HRM 460 - Human Resource Management
  • 3 THM 100 - Intro to Tourism & Hospitality Management
  • 3 THM 200 -会议/会议/活动策划
  • MIS 325 -管理信息系统

Gen Ed Requirements - 24 semester hours

  • Gen Ed - Mathematics - 3 semester hours
  • 普通教育-社会科学- 3个学时
  • Gen Ed - Art & Humanities - 3 semester hours
  • Gen Ed - Natural Science & Lab - 3-4 semester hours
  • Gen Ed - Speech - 3 semester hours
  • Gen Ed - Elective - 3 semester hours
  • ENGL 101 - Composition I
  • ENGL 201 - Composition II

*Current students, please refer to the DegreeWorks Dashboard 在MyBHSU确认你的专业要求.

Minor - Business Administration

Minor in Business Administration - 18 hours

  • 3 ACCT 210 Principles of Accounting I
  • 3 BADM 369组织行为与理论
  • 3 BADM 370 Marketing
  • 3 ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics


  • 3 ACCT 211 -会计原理2
  • 3 BADM 310 Business Finance
  • 3 BADM 334 Small Business Management
  • 3 BADM 336 Entrepreneurship I
  • 3 BADM 350商业法律环境
  • 3 BADM 407 International Business
  • 生产/运营管理

*Current students, please refer to the DegreeWorks Dashboard 在MyBHSU确认你的专业要求.

Management Certificate

Certificate Requirements

  • ACCT 210 -会计原理I - 3个学时
  • BADM 334 -小企业管理- 3个学时
  • BADM 369 -组织行为与理论- 3个学时
Elective: Take one of the following
  • BADM 336 -创业I - 3个学时
  • BADM 370 - Marketing - 3 semester hours
  • 人力PG电子app下载管理460 -人力PG电子app下载管理- 3学时

*Current students, please refer to the DegreeWorks Dashboard 在MyBHSU确认你的专业要求.

Find Your Career

Employment opportunities include:
» Account Executive
» Advertising Specialist
» Management Trainer
» Entrepreneur
» Financial Advisor
» Hotel General Manager
» Casino Group Sales Manager
» Human Resources Manager
» Small Business Owner
» Travel Agent
» Retail Manager

Amber Lind Headshot

Amber Lind

Class of 09'

» B.S. 工商管理,市场营销和管理专业

Student Organizations

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma是AACSB认证的商学院的国际荣誉协会, 谁的使命是鼓励和表彰学术卓越, 培养个人和专业上的卓越, and to advance the values of the Society. 大三和大四商科专业的前10%的学生被邀请加入这个著名的组织.

Travel and Tourism Club

旅游俱乐部的使命是通过在黑山地区和其他地区的旅行,专注于探索旅游业. 其他机会包括工作见习, guest speakers, 并与旅游领域的专业人士建立联系.

Jacket Investment Club

夹克投资俱乐部旨在为所有学生提供学习更多投资知识的机会. 俱乐部的目的是让会员有机会学习和实践新的投资工具. Using real-world applications, 学生将加强他们的经济学知识, markets, and finance.