首页 / 校友捐赠 / PG电子app下载我们



We help students, both past and present, succeed and thrive. 当学生从PG电子app下载毕业时,y leave with more than just a fancy seal on a framed diploma. 他们夺走了我们的友谊, 有趣的时间, 疯狂的时代, 困难时期, 灵感, 机会, and challenges they encountered throughout their university career.

The 大学的发展 team consists of three branches: the 校友会, BHSU基金会,黄夹克粉底. From helping connect donors and deserving students with 奖学金 to coordinating 校友 事件 at our 首页coming 群天 for both students and 校友 to enjoy, 我们在这里建立牢固的关系,这将使你们受益.


Success starts with our 校友, donors, and 朋友 like you. By providing valuable support to the university throughout the years, you make it possible for students to have the opportunity to receive an exceptional education. From 2009-2010 t在这里 were 404 academic and 198 athletic 奖学金 awarded. Many students rely on this financial support with 10% of academic and 60% of athletic students 接收 奖学金. However, BHSU ranks second to last in the state system in awarding 奖学金. Contributions to Black Hills State help to ensure that the university will continue to produce quality graduates and are essential for many students.

无论是小企业主, 一位有25年经验的老教师, 或者是一个优秀的艺术表演者, Black Hills State has a rich and proud history of 校友 and 朋友 transforming lives at the university and in the community. 与BHSU保持联系 参与. 你是否愿意贡献你的时间, 加入一个章节, attend a game or take in a great performance or show on campus, 你将永远享受你的经历.

校友 and 朋友 of Black Hills State University can also take advantage of a variety of networking and 校友 community 机会 including PG电子app下载, 事件, 和更多的. 请查看 BHSU Facebook页面 还有其他方法 与我们联系. We are 在这里 to answer any questions you have so be sure to 访问我们的PG电子app下载页面.


  • 黄夹克基金会成立于 支持布莱克希尔州立大学的学生运动员. 自基金会成立以来, contributors have been the driving force in both funding for athletic 奖学金 改善运动设施.
  • 通过各种努力,比如尾随, 拍卖, 高尔夫球比赛, 让步, 门票销售, 运动营, 直接捐赠, 还有其他事件, 黄夹克粉底 funds all athletic 奖学金 given to Black Hills State student-athletes.
  • Supports athletic 设施 和支持s the athletic operating budget such as program expenses.
  • The 黄夹克粉底 supports the Black Hills State PG电子app下载 department by funding the equivalent of nearly 30 full-ride 奖学金 in support of our 11 athletic programs that participate in NCAA Division II as members of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference. The current scholarship average for RMAC members is 60 full-ride 奖学金. 在你们作为BHSU忠实粉丝的帮助下, 黄夹克粉底 works to achieve this average every day. 请登录到 BHSU体育页面 to see the latest PG电子app下载 and information regarding all of your Yellow Jacket programs and find out how you can help support the many BHSU Student-Athletes. Discover more information on becoming a contributor to student-athlete 奖学金 在这里.




The mission of The 黄夹克粉底 is to support Black Hills State 和 Department of PG电子app下载 by encouraging, 接收, 管理体育奖学金的礼物, 设施, 和操作. The Yellow Jackets thrive on the contributions provided by The 黄夹克粉底.


  • 哈维·克劳舒恩,总裁
  • Daryl Johnson,副总统
  • 达米安·埃德霍夫,秘书
  • 桑德拉·阿迪
  • 马拉巴纳德
  • 贝丝本宁
  • 塔玛拉伯克
  • 布鲁斯Byrum
  • 普里西拉Dressen
  • 茱蒂德莱顿
  • 文斯Gravelle
  • 加里·约翰逊
  • 约翰。约翰逊
  • 凯瑟琳•约翰逊
  • 克雷格Katt
  • Les Lindskov
  • 罗恩·米克
  • 吉姆这次
  • 韦恩Mundt
  • 朱莉Pechota
  • 罗杰·里斯提
  • 小查尔斯·塞德斯特罗姆.


BHSU主席劳里年代. 尼克尔斯
Steve Meeker,执行副总裁
Shauna Junek,开发总监



  • 建立了 , 校友会 is a non-dues based 组织 that sponsors many 事件 and programs each year that benefit students, 校友, 和大学的校友颁奖午宴, 群天 事件, 校友英里, 创始人日午宴, BH精神奖, 青年校友奖, 毕业预演酒会, 各种校友聚会和聚会, 50年俱乐部, 遗产家族奖和校友艺术展.
  • 大学的发展, 我代表协会, 维护超过17的地址信息,000名前学生. The office acts as a campus information and referral center, w在这里 校友 can receive answers to their questions about Black Hills State University. 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系 或者你可以 更新您的信息.
  • 校友 are defined as anyone who has attended the university. Graduates of the university automatically become members of the 校友 association upon graduation. 未受高等教育的人 应要求成为会员.



The Black Hills State University 校友会's mission is to provide leadership, 组织, and planning for effective 校友 activities which will contribute to the realization of the goals and objectives of BHSU. The 校友 association can achieve this by developing a spirit of loyalty and fraternity among the 校友 of BHSU to the degree that 校友 will actively support the university in such programs, 招生, 学生关系及项目, 公共关系, and other timely programs as required to enhance the association 和 university.

Megan Reder-Schopp, 10年级

  • 梅丽莎·巴斯
  • 朱莉·本尼迪克特
  • 贝丝本宁
  • 比尔·柯林斯
  • 容易受骗的养子
  • Kelsie亲爱的
  • Lori DeVries
  • 彭妮林根
  • 伊莱恩Doll-Dunn
  • 苏珊Dolney
  • 玛丽Furois
  • 沙龙Hemmingson
  • 汤姆山
  • 琳达休斯
  • 吉姆克努森
  • 桑迪不
  • 冬青摩顿森
  • 玛西娅奥尔森
  • 苏珊Proefrock
  • 画Skjoldal
  • 马克·斯泰西
  • 拉里Vavruska
  • 卡罗尔·巴肯斯,退休教授
  • Harvey Krautschun,名誉教授

BHSU主席劳里年代. 尼克尔斯
Steve Meeker, BHSU 副总统 of 大学的发展
Tom Wheaton, Director of BHSU 校友 Relations, Executive 秘书
Harvey Krautschun, BHSU基金会主席
Ashley Pearson, 总统 of the BHSU 黄夹克粉底

我们是谁- bhsu基金会

  • The Black Hills State University Foundation was established in 1975 to promote the welfare and future development of Black Hills State University's educational goals. 除了奖学金, foundation raises funds for capital needs on campus as well as academic programs.
  • 自基金会成立以来,它已经捐赠了 奖学金 to some of the most outstanding students in the school's history. Each student that receives a scholarship from the Black Hills State University Foundation has earned the award through their hard work and dedication to academic excellence.
  • 往往毕业后,学生认为收到了 奖学金 回馈基金会 providing financial support to the next generation of students who will walk the halls at Black Hills State.



The mission of the Black Hills State University Foundation is to provide private gift support for BHSU. 基金会的目的是向受奖人传达这一点, 父母, 朋友, 公司, 以及获得意识的基础, 理解, 验收, 和支持. The foundation also addresses both the short-term operating and long-term capital and endowment needs of BHSU.


  • 凯瑟琳•约翰逊
  • 文森特Gravelle
  • 约翰。约翰逊
  • 莱斯·林德斯科夫,1971年
  • 韦恩·蒙特,1970年
  • 塔玛拉伯克
  • 吉姆这次,79年
  • 克雷格·凯特,1975年
  • 哈维·克劳彻恩,1972年
  • 罗恩·米克尔,1975年
  • 桑德拉·阿迪,1956年
  • 玛拉·巴纳德,81年
  • 贝丝·本宁,73年,秘书
  • 朱迪·德莱顿,1970年
  • 达米安·埃德霍夫,86年,副总裁
  • 达里尔·约翰逊,1968年——总统
  • 加里·约翰逊,78年
  • 朱莉·佩霍塔,71年
  • 罗杰·里斯蒂,出席者
  • 朱莉·奥尔森,90年
  • 贾斯汀·瓦兰,2002年
  • 瑞恩·沃德曼,07年

Shauna Junek,开发总监
劳里年代. BHSU主席尼克尔斯