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PG电子app下载致力于在该机构开展的所有工作中实现最高标准的研究诚信. 这些标准反映了对保护所有参与研究或作为研究对象的人的承诺. 这种保护包括确保任何参与研究的人充分了解他或她作为研究对象的权利. 它还包括为科学和医学的进步做出巨大贡献的动物的福利, and the protection of the environment from biohazards.

SD BOR政策4:32:研究者财务披露
SD BOR Policy 4:35:  Conflict of Interest
SD BOR Policy 4:32.1 .符合《PG电子app下载》的财务披露政策

Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy (Model Policy)

Black Hills State University has assured federal, state, and local agencies that all faculty, staff, 学生研究人员将遵守有关使用动物的既定规定和程序, humans, and biomaterials in research. Before engaging in such research at BHSU, 所有研究人员都必须获得已建立的审查委员会的批准,以确保所有研究都在负责任的环境中进行, legal, and ethical manner. These committees include:

    Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for research involving animals

    Institutional Review Board (IRB) for research involving human subjects, 包括准备出版的调查和采访

    Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)用于涉及重组DNA或潜在生物危害的研究

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) for all undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, 将进行联邦资助研究的教员和其他高级人员.

Contact the Sponsored Programs 协助满足外部资助项目的合规要求.



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