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Happy First Gen Day Transcript
Paige Dio- Am I supposed to look at the camera?
Joey Foso- You're a little bit less serious.
Megan Brozik- Hi, my name is Megan Brozik.
Morgan (no last name given)- I am Morgan.
Brooklyn Anderson- My name's Brooklyn Anderson.
Katelyn Vocu- My name's Katelyn Vocu.
Joey Foso- I'm Joey Foso, and I'm from Benkelman, Nebraska.
Zak (no last name given)- Rapid City, South Dakota.
Seth (no last name given)- I'm from Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Unnamed- Faulkton, South Dakota.
Brooklyn Anderson- I am first.
Morgan (no last name given)- I am first.
Unnamed- I am first.
Paige Dio- Hi, my name's Paige Dio. 我来自怀俄明州的纽卡斯尔,我是第一代学生.
Brooklyn Anderson- It's definitely exciting, 但它也绝对具有挑战性,因为你根本不知道自己会陷入什么境地.
Megan Brozik- 我来这里的时候真的很担心交朋友.
Katelyn Vocu- I had a lot of irrational fears. I was- every college movie I've seen, I've never seen anyone have a backpack on, and I was worried about if I should bring a backpack.
Seth (no last name given)- I think it's- it's good to have change. 我认为改变会给你带来新的挑战, which in turn kind of make you a better person.
Paige Dio- 只要利用一切——所有的机会, go to all the games, make all the new friends.
Kayla (no last name given)- 试一试,你不会意识到你的能力.
Zak (no last name given)- 在你的人际网络中有这样的人,无论是顾问还是Trio的其他朋友. 没有人能理解第一代学生的感受因为你们并不孤单.
Brooklyn Anderson- With a small campus, it's so nice that when you walk into a classroom, they know you name, 这对我来说意义重大,因为我觉得, "oh, they care about my learning and me as an individual."
Morgan (no last name given)- Like, 如果你觉得因为家里没人做过,所以你做不到, 只要成为第一个这样做的人,它就会开启一个完全不同的循环,比你当时意识到的要有回报得多.
Madisyn (no last name given)- 大学是一种被贬低的东西,尤其是在当今世界. 它只是很贵,但我认为它的体验会带来很多价值.
Megan Brozik-我总是很高兴看到这里的第一代学生,因为, you know, they're starting their own journey.
Zak (no last name given)- It's big and scary, but you're bigger and scarier.
Joey Foso- 我一直坚持这一理念,直到大学后期我才意识到这一点, 而是为了抓住你祖先没有的机会. You know, if you're a first generation student, more than likely, you know, your grandparents didn't get these opportunities, your parents didn't get these opportunities, and now it's your turn
Happy National TRIO Day Transcript
Carissa Deming, BHSU TRIO Professional Advisor
2月24日是全国三重奏日,庆祝教育机会和成就. TRIO资助联邦政府支持的学生服务项目致力于为收入有限的第一代学生提供服务, 以及残疾影响学业成功的学生, 这样他们就能克服障碍,在高等教育中取得成功. Today, 我们在全国范围内聚焦三重奏项目, 就在这里,PG电子app下载庆祝我们的学生支持服务三人计划. BHSU学生支持服务三人补助金已经对BHSU学生产生了超过50年的影响,因为它于1971年首次获得资助, 从那以后,每五年被重写一次并获得奖励. At Black Hills State University, TRIO isn't just a program, 这是一个致力于培养卓越和个人成长的社区. 我们的TRIO项目提供一系列的服务——从学术咨询, to tutoring and mentoring, 到财务指导-确保每个学生都有他们成功所需的工具. Each year, TRIO SSS serves 200 eligible students, and in the 53 years of TRIO SSS at BHSU, we've served nearly 3,000 students in total. 自2005年以来,已有680名TRIO学生完成了学士学位. And although we don't have all the records, we estimate that in the years prior to 2005, 另有近300名学生获得了学士学位. National TRIO day isn't just a day. 这是对潜力、韧性、对梦想的追求和实现的庆祝. 今天,我们认识到人人都有受教育的机会的重要性. Happy National TRIO Day, whether you're a participant, parents, supporter, or a fellow TRIO professional. 今天,我们感谢你们成为这一赋权之旅的一部分. 让我们共同努力,让教育触手可及,让梦想触手可及.


学生支持服务(SSS)是七个联邦TRIO项目之一,由美国教育部资助.S. 教育部,专为认真想从大学毕业的学生准备的. SSS帮助学生留在大学,直到他们获得学士学位. If you are willing to take advantage of academic, financial, and other services to achieve your goals, contact us today at 605.642.6824.

如果学生符合美国政府确定的三个资格标准之一,他们就有资格获得SSS.S. Department of Education. 国会授权TRIO项目为符合以下准则的学生提供服务:

  • Low Income:
    Taxable income (调整后的总收入减去扣除和豁免- 1040年纳税申报表的第10行)低于这一水平 chart. (学生必须提供2019年联邦所得税申报表的副本,如果父母是受抚养的,或者如果自己是独立的.)
  • First Generation:
  • Disability:
    Documentation of a physical, psychological, 或者学习障碍,这可能会限制学生参与大学教育经历和机会的能力.

符合以下一个或多个标准的学生.S. citizens (or nationals of the U.S. 或符合居住要求的联邦学生财政援助)才有资格申请. 

被选中的学生必须表现出学术潜力和学术需求, as indicated by ACT scores, high school grades or class rank, possession of a GED, instructor recommendations, previous college attempts, and other factors.

Ready to Apply: 在上面的链接在线填写申请,或访问Woodburn Hall办公室#139的SSS办公室或发送电子邮件至 Ashley Kirchner to get started.

SSS Makes a Difference...
'I have fought every step for a better education. TRIO不仅帮助我找到了一个完美的地方来获得我的学位,而且在这个过程中帮助我找到了自己. I have never been happier than I am right now. 我在朝着我喜欢的方向努力,同时也在享受美好的时光. TRIO帮助学生解决学校和社会问题——他们就像一个远离家乡的家庭. 我很乐意向TRIO办公室的任何人提出任何问题. TRIO的人都是有爱心的人,这并不重要...who a person may be or what has happened. 这是一群亲密的了不起的人,他们将站在一起,互相帮助,取得成功. Anyone who has been part of TRIO is truly blessed. TRIO不仅仅是校园里的一个项目.' - Amanda, 2nd year student